Howdy, I’m Fadil S Hardy

I`m Front-end / Fullstack Developer. Making tools that simplify people lives is something I enjoy doing.

see my projects

Fadil S Hardy

Little About Me

I've been introduced to web development since middle school, from blogging at Blogspot and dabbling in a little bit of HTML, CSS, and SEO. Shortly after life happened and I stopped doing it. By my last years in university, my passion for web development was Ignited back and I began learning everything about web development again from the best practices to the tools and technology that everyone uses.

Fast forward to now, I've done a few projects and learned as much as I can from many sources, including online bootcamp, online courses (The Odin Project and Fullstack Open), and many other places. Although my professional experience is lacking, I believe I'm prepared to work in a professional setting by never stopping learning and improving myself to be better.


  • Bootstrap
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Next.js


  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • Node.js
  • MySQL

I am also familiar with

  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Python
  • Selenium
  • WordPress
  • Vercel


Webinput automation desktop GUI

Webinput automation desktop GUI

Simple python desktop application for automating repetitive web-based input tasks which load the data from a spreadsheet. developed using selenium as webdriver and pysimplegui as GUI.

lbnursery homepage

Lbnursery - Garden ecommerce

Lbursery is a company focused on online retail, selling plants, seeds, and garden tools. The website is using sanity as CMS, initially using Shopify as the backend. NextJS & Tailwind for the front end.

Aizhatravel homepage

Aizhatravel - Travel tour agency

tour travel website agency where users can register an account and order a destination package with the desired date. The user has to provide proof of payment to make the order valid.

Larahub Homepage

Larahub - Final project for online bootcamp

Final project for online bootcamp about Laravel, tasked to make a website about Q & A like quora where a user can asks, answers and votes (like or dislike) toward questions & answers
